Join the Camerons

  • For real action and adventure in your life
  • To hold your head high serving Canada and your community
  • To enjoy our many special events and unique training exercises
  • To be part of a great tradition as a kilted Highland warrior: (Ullamh / Ready!)
  • To earn great pay from flexible part-time work … while continuing your current job or schooling, or learning a new trade
  • For full-time summer employment
Who We Are
Pipes and Drums
Pay and Benefits
Join Now

The Queen’s Own Cameron Highlanders of Canada

Who We Are

We’re an infantry Reserve Regiment based at Minto Armoury in Winnipeg. You’ll be trained to the same challenging standards as the regular force.

Our Mission

Infantry soldiers are the army’s prime combat fighters. We close with and destroy the enemy. But we also fight floods and forest fires, and much more … serving our community as well as Canada.

Our Roles

It takes many roles to run a Regiment, including:

  • Infantry Soldiers and Officers
  • Financial Services Administrators
  • Human Resources Administrators
  • Pipes and Drums Band

Except for some band members who are civilian volunteers, we are all trained soldiers.

Our History

The Regiment was founded in 1910 by the Scottish community of Winnipeg but included members from all parts of the city and province. We have taken part in both World Wars, the Korean War and Afghanistan as well as peacekeeping operations worldwide. Our traditions go back to our namesake, the Queen’s Own Cameron Highlanders, founded in Scotland in 1793.

Your Career in the Infantry

What Will You Do?

The role of the infantry is to close with and destroy the enemy. The infantry also holds ground, does presence patrols, provides security and more. Infantry officers lead missions as well as supervise administration and logistics. Pistols, rifles and machine guns are just some of the tools of our trade. Our work is outdoors, anywhere and anytime.

Career Progression

You will first complete Basic Military Qualification. This typically takes 11 weekends or a month of full-time training. The course gives you the basics including foot drill, marksmanship and first aid. Further training is available including trade and leadership courses, enabling you to move up to Corporal, Sergeant and beyond.

Career Specialization

You’ll be able to specialize your infantry career with extra courses. These currently include Mortars, Cold Weather Operator, Infantry Basic Machine Gunner, PSYOPS Tactical Operator, Basic Reconnaissance and more.


Besides the guaranteed four months of full-time work available each summer, there are other full-time contracts constantly available which vary in length. From time to time, opportunities arise to join Canadian combat, peace-keeping or training operations worldwide.

Your Career in the Pipes and Drums

What Will You Do?

As the oldest Highland Regiment in Western Canada, and the only kilted unit in Manitoba, we are proud to have a regimental pipe band. In addition to their regular duties as soldiers, the Pipes & Drums provide musical support to military parades and represent the Regiment at home and abroad.

Career Progression

A new Piper or Drummer will complete Basic Military Qualification before attending the Canadian Armed Forces Music School in Ontario. There you will receive training in your chosen instrument as well as parade band skills. As you progress through the ranks you will have the opportunity to complete leadership training and more advanced soldiering courses.


Pipers and Drummers in the Canadian Armed Forces enjoy unique opportunities. In addition to supporting domestic and international operations, the Pipes & Drums participate in tattoos, concerts, parades, commemorative ceremonies and diplomatic events. Our band has travelled across Canada, the U.S.A. and Europe.

Your Career in Administration

What Will You Do?

Administrators enable the Canadian Armed Forces to operate smoothly. Financial Services Administrators provide financial and budget support for all military activities. Human Resources Administrators provide general human resources support.

Career Progression

You will first complete Basic Military Qualification. This typically takes 11 weekends or a month of full-time training. The course gives you the basics including foot drill, marksmanship and first aid. Further training is available including trade and leadership courses, enabling you to move up to Corporal, Sergeant and beyond.


Administrators specialize in file managing, civilian personnel management, recruiting and more.


Administrators are highly employable due to the constant need for their work. Besides the guaranteed four months of full-time work available each summer, there are other full-time contracts constantly available which vary in length. From time-to-time, opportunities arise to join Canadian combat, peace-keeping or training operations worldwide.

What are the Pay and Benefits?

Competitive Wages

Pay is standardized based on rank. In the reserves, pay is based on half days (under 6 hours) or full days (over 6 hours). As of 2023, a full day’s pay for a Private starts at $124. After qualifying as a Corporal (minimum 2 years) this rises to $179. Officers start at $131 per full day, rising to $236 as a Captain. Half these amounts are paid for a half day’s work.

Access to World Class Fitness Centres

You will be granted free access to the weightlifting, pool and gym facilities at every regular forces base. The closest fitness centre is within CFB Winnipeg at the airport.

Flexible Work Hours

We train every Tuesday evening and at least one weekend every month. We expect you to show up at least ¾ of the Tuesdays and ½ of the weekend exercises. 100% is highly encouraged! Courses take longer and vary by type.

Medical and Dental Care

Coverage includes physician services, major and minor dental work and orthodontics, mental and social work services and much more.

Full-Time Summer Employment

For the first five years of your career, you will be eligible for a four-month contract of guaranteed work over the summer. This could be taking courses, general administrative duties or supporting other workplaces. If four months is too long, the contract can be shortened as needed.

Pension Plan

After two years you will be enrolled in a pension plan. The reserves plan differs from the regular forces, but after five years of continuous full-time work in the reserves you will be able to enter the regular forces variant.

Major Ken Smith Memorial Scholarship

The Major Ken Smith Memorial Scholarship was made possible by long-time friend (50-plus years) of the Major, Jeff Mooney. A total of $5,000 will be awarded annually to current serving members of the Queen’s Own Cameron Highlanders of Canada Regiment for skill upgrading or post-secondary education. A scholarship(s) of a minimum of $2,500 may be given annually.

About Major Ken Smith

At the start of WWII, Ken Smith enlisted in the Queen’s Own Cameron Highlanders of Canada and took part in the Dieppe Raid on August 19, 1942. He was fortunate to make it back to England. From 1944, he fought in the Northwest Europe campaign, being wounded in action twice and receiving a Mention in Dispatches. By the war’s end, he had become a Major and second in command of the Regiment. In 2016, the French government awarded Ken the Legion of Honour for his role in their liberation. He had a lifelong admiration for the Regiment, believing it helped him grow from a boy into a man.


  • 1. Currently serving members of the Queen’s Own Cameron Highlanders Regiment in Manitoba.
  • 2. Applicants must be accepted in an accredited post-secondary education institution leading to a degree, diploma, or certificate. This includes but is not restricted to universities, colleges, applied skills training, technical colleges, and trades training.
  • 3. Applicants must provide provide proof of education status, grades, grade point average and acceptance to a post-secondary institution. Acceptable proof of enrolment includes the institution’s name, student’s name, program start date, enrolment status (full or part-time) and letter of acceptance issued in the last six months.
  • 4. Recipients of the scholarships may apply in successive years.

Application Process

Please download and fill out the scholarship application:
Major Ken Smith Memorial Scholarship Application – 2025.pdf

APRIL – scholarship applications are due by April 30 and sent to [email protected].

The QOCHoC Retention Committee reviews applications. The Committee is authorized to investigate all statements in the application as necessary to arrive at a scholarship recommendation.

June – Recommendations are made to the QOCHoC Regimental Foundation for review and approval and to the Major’s sons for final acceptance.

July – The recipient(s) and the recipient’s Commanding Officer (if applicable) will be notified of the successful recipients. Arrangements are made for a scholarship cheque ceremony to the recipient(s) and payment of the cheque to the winner(s) or the school(s) shall be at the discretion of the foundation.

University Reimbursement Plan

Receive Funding for Your Tuition

As a member of the reserves, you can be reimbursed up to half of your annual tuition fees, to a maximum of $2,000 per year or $8,000 in total.

Terms and Conditions

To receive this funding, you must first pass your Basic Military Qualification. Your university course marks and attendance must be at an acceptable standard.

Join the Unit

To Join the Camerons, you Must:

  • Be age 18 (or age 16 with parental consent and enrolled as a full-time student)
  • Have your Grade 10
  • Be a Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident

Need more Info?

Contact our Regimental Recruiter
  • Tel:  (204) 786-4353
  • Available hours:  0900 – 1700 Mon – Fri
  • or Email:  [email protected]

Ready to Join?

Go to the website and click on “Apply Now”.

When filling in the application form, say you want to join the Queen’s Own Cameron Highlanders of Canada. MCpl Dawson and his team will then contact you.